Friday 12 December 2008


As promised some pictures I have of Kirkenær, but to be honest I dont have that many on my laptop. I will have lots of beautiful ones after Christmas though! This is a little way out of the centre, so very peaceful - hardly anyone about!


Anonymous said...

Norway is certainly the land of little white houses and big red barns.

I love the barn with the flower in the foreground.

I've never been to South-east Norway (except riding through on a bus to Sweden). I guess the weather would be very stable there as it is inland. (Not like Bergen;). I heard in Bergen that is rains so much they have installed umbrella dispensers. Is that true? lol.

I think Bergen is our next summer destination. I have a lot of friends from there (but I can't understand a word of Norwegian-Bergen

Hannah said...

I love these photos! Especially the one with the red flowers, but I bet you're not surprised by that :)

Unknown said...

The photo with the flowers and the barn is Hans' mums house - it's very beautiful there. No! Hannah loves flowers!

Yes the weather is stable in the Southeast, good hot summers and cold snowy winters (generally - there are always exceptions I think!)

Definately bring an umbrella to Bergen, but it hasn't been that bad whilst I have been here - but then again I am from England - rain is pretty much a part of life!

And yes, Bergen-Norwegian is pretty difficult! lol